Sunday, June 2, 2013

It's my turn

Today I spent a day watching Under the Tuscan Sun, completely escaping my world of noise, pollution and filth with a cozy couch and a cup of imported Starbucks coffee. By the time the credits rolled on I was dreaming of rolling hills covered in delicious sunflower fields that sparkle in the cool summer breeze. And like, most plots of far off cultures, I found myself wanting so badly to be there, to make new friends in new communities. And as the credit music ended, releasing me from my whimsical trance, I looked out my window to an unkempt courtyard of jungle trees. And suddenly a smile grew out of nothing, reminding my yearning heart that I am Frances building a new home in a strange, far off place. I have a family of aunties and uncles, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, didis and dadas. I have watched those dearest to me here get married, have babies, create new families, fall in and out of love. We’ve cried together, celebrated together, prayed together, cooked together and danced together.

Forgive my cliché, but it’s been one heck of an adventure.

Anyway, I’m off to explore Bengali cuisine with my friend from Missionaries of Charity. She’s this awesome Mexican girl who picked up and moved to K-town because she needed to figure out who she was before she embarked on changing the world ... aka a kindred spirit. We both realized we’d gotten in a rut with our ‘usual’ and wanted to branch out. So wish us luck and pray we choose wisely J.